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Winning Ace: A Winning Ace Novel (Book 1) Page 7
Winning Ace: A Winning Ace Novel (Book 1) Read online
Page 7
So why am I sitting outside like the fucking loser?
In his arrogance, he’d been certain she’d ring, even though he’d left her on Wednesday with such a fucking cheesy line. My type of apology. What a dick. But she hadn’t called. Guess she gave her answer.
And yet, there he was like some lovesick puppy, sitting up, begging, waiting for her to throw him some scraps. God, he wanted her.
He rubbed his stomach. That crippling ache was back, the one that had been growing more frequent ever since they’d made out in Rupe’s kitchen. He desperately wanted to kiss her again and a lot more besides. The brief taste of her had been like a shot of heroin. One fix, and he was hooked.
He touched his pocket to check that the gift he’d bought for her was still there, and then he opened the car door. As he stepped onto the icy pavement, his foot slipped. He grabbed the wing mirror for support. He did not need a broken leg this close to the start of the season. Brad would kill him, and Kinga would vent her wrath at the loss of potential revenue.
He gingerly negotiated the path to Natalia’s front door. The blinds were open, and now that he was out of the car, he could see properly into the living room. Everyone was sitting on the floor, gathered around a Trivial Pursuit board. A stab of envy hit him. If he suggested anything like that to his friends, they’d call the psych ward. And even though his family hadn’t been the type to play board games—far from it—who said he couldn’t miss what he’d never had?
He hesitated at the front door. This indecisiveness was a brand new experience, but she wasn’t exactly giving him a choice. He had to see her before flying to Brisbane.
He knocked on the door then sucked in a breath and held it. His stomach was coiled tight, and he fidgeted from foot to foot. The blinds moved, and Natalia’s face registered disbelief as she spotted him. When she disappeared, the wait to see if she answered the door was interminable. And then the latch jangled, and the door swung open.
“Hi,” he said as their gazes collided. Lame, Gallagher. Totally fucking lame.
“Hi,” she replied.
Her teeth grazed her bottom lip. God, he wanted to do that. His eyes swept over her, homing in on the way her tits strained against the pale-blue cashmere sweater she was wearing, and the way her jeans caressed her flared hips, the very hips he’d thought were way too voluptuous for his tastes. And if she turned around, those same jeans would be hugging that amazing arse he couldn’t get enough of.
“I’m sorry to interrupt your Christmas. I—fuck, Natalia, I don’t even know why I’m here. All I know is I couldn’t fly to Brisbane tomorrow without seeing you again.”
She tilted her head to the side. “I didn’t expect to see you.”
“I have something for you.” He fumbled in his jacket pocket for the gift he’d bought when what he really wanted to give her was twitching away in his pants. He held out the small box he’d picked up at Tiffany’s.
“What is it?” Her hand closed around the box, and her eyes sparkled as her gaze flitted between him and the gift.
“Open it.” His chest tightened. God, he hoped she liked what he’d chosen.
Her fingers trembled as she unwrapped the bright-red bow. Gift paper fluttered to the floor, and she hesitated before opening the box, and then she gasped.
“Cash. Oh my God, they’re gorgeous.”
The platinum diamond drop earrings shone brightly, even in the dim light from the street lamps. She lifted one out of the box, holding it up to her ear. “Suit me?” she said with a grin.
He swallowed past an enormous lump that had lodged in his throat. “Their beauty is nothing compared to yours.”
Her smile fell, and she replaced the earring back in the box, closing it with a snap.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t accept them.”
“Why not?” He’d dithered over choosing those earrings for a whole fucking hour, and she was throwing them back in his face?
“They’re too much, Cash. They must have cost a fortune, and we don’t even know each other. I wouldn’t be comfortable accepting such an extravagant gift.”
Lost for words, he simply gaped at her. He’d never had a girl refuse a present before. Usually, they nearly broke his arm grabbing whatever was offered. His hands remained by his sides as she held out the box containing the earrings.
“Are you deliberately trying to hurt my feelings?”
She inhaled sharply. “No. Of course not.”
“Then take the earrings, Natalia. I bought them for you, and if you don’t want them, I swear I will walk to the nearest rubbish bin and toss them inside.”
Her gaze bounced from the earrings to him and back again. “But I don’t understand why you would buy them for me.”
His smile built slowly, and he grazed her cheek with the back of his hand. “Because I can.”
She opened the box again and stared at the earrings. Eventually, she lifted her eyes to his. “I have no idea when I will ever go anywhere nice enough to wear them.”
“How about the third of February?”
“What’s happening on the third of February?”
“I’m taking you to dinner.”
She blinked several times as a small smile played about her lips. “Are you asking me out?”
“I guess so,” he said, more surprised than he would ever let on to her. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d formally asked a woman out on a date. Actually, that wasn’t true. His memory was perfect—he’d just never done it. “So are we on?”
“Why the third of February?”
“Because the Australian Open final is on the first, and the third is the earliest I can get home and readjust to GMT.”
“You’re planning to win, then?”
“I rarely lose, baby.”
“Are you talking about tennis or life in general?”
He grinned. “I’ll leave that for you to work out.”
She glanced over her shoulder. “Want to come in for a drink?”
“No. I don’t want to interrupt your evening with your family.”
A slow burn of a smile curved her lips upward. “Aren’t you at least going to wish me a Merry Christmas?”
Cash swallowed hard. Jesus, she was flirting with him. He took a step forward, and when she didn’t back up, he caught her hips and pulled her closer. Without a doubt, she’d be able to feel how hard his cock was, and it took all his willpower not to grind his pelvis against her. He bent his head, stopping just before their lips touched.
“Merry Christmas, Natalia.”
He pressed his mouth to hers, purposely keeping the kiss soft. He half expected her to change her mind and push him away, but she didn’t. Instead, she wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her fingers in his hair. Pulling her even closer, he moved his lips slowly, and when she let out a soft moan, he slipped his tongue inside and gently licked against hers. Doused with the same powerful urge he’d had at Rupe’s place—to take her, to brand her as his, to warn the world that this one was taken—he deepened the kiss. When she moaned again, the sound deeper this time, his breathing quickened.
He drew away slowly, needing to put some distance between them before the spell she’d cast sent him over the edge, into madness. Resting his forehead against hers, he briefly closed his eyes to see if the world stopped spinning. When he opened them again, it was plain to see she was as affected as he was. Her face and neck were flushed, and her lips were slightly swollen.
With a half grin, he leaned in and softly grazed her earlobe with his teeth before whispering, “Third of February, Natalia. And if I have my way, by the end of the night, those earrings will be the only thing you’re wearing.”
The plane began its descent into Heathrow, and Cash automatically tightened his seatbelt. Christ, he hated flying at the best of times, but takeoff and landing were a particular form of torture. His stomach sank when the altitude changed, and he closed his eyes and gripped the arms of his chair, willing the plane to l
and safely. And soon.
His muscles ached, but the adrenaline still coursing through his veins after his fourth Australian Open win made the soreness worth it. A short break, a couple of massages, and he’d be ready to go again.
In the five weeks he’d been away, Natalia had been on his mind more often than he liked to admit, making the period of time since he’d seen her on Christmas Day feel more like five months. He’d purposely not contacted her while he’d been away because it had been crucial to keep his concentration as much as possible, and hearing her low, sexy voice would have made that even more challenging.
The plane touched down with a bump, and he cursed. It took a few minutes for the gangway to connect to the door before he was whisked into the airport and through security. A few photographers snapped some shots, but he kept facing forwards. Isaac was an excellent blocker, preventing any really good pictures from being taken. Tired and cranky, all Cash wanted was a hot shower, a short nap, and to see Natalia.
Outside the VIP entrance of Terminal Five, he quickly climbed into his waiting car. As soon as the doors closed, he heaved a sigh of relief. “Thank fuck for that.”
“Straight to the Dorchester, please,” Kinga instructed the driver.
His eyes fell shut, and he laid his head against the seat. He rarely slept properly on a plane, and he only had a few hours to get some rest before picking Natalia up for their date. He couldn’t fucking wait.
He cranked open one eye and squinted at Kinga. “Yeah.”
“What time do you want to fly to Belfast tomorrow?”
“I’m staying in London and flying straight to Rotterdam on Saturday.”
Kinga stared at him. She folded her arms across her chest. “Since when? Cash, you have got to keep me informed.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Do I, now?” he said, keeping his voice steady.
“Yes. How am I supposed to do my job if you won’t communicate?”
He decided to ignore her and closed his eyes again, his head lolling against the headrest.
“What the hell is going on, Cash?” She shook his arm. “Is this something to do with that idiotic reporter you’ve been mooning over for weeks? If so, can you hurry up and screw her so we can all get back to normal?”
He clenched his jaw and slowly turned his head to face her. “Let me make one thing clear. We may be friends, but you are still an employee. Be very careful, Kinga.”
Defiance blazed across her face. “You wouldn’t know what to do without me. I control your life, Cash.”
His body tensed. Leaning forwards, he tapped the driver on the shoulder. “Pull over at the first opportunity please, mate.”
“Oh, I see,” Kinga said with a sneer. “Going to storm off in a little strop, are you?”
The car slowed to a stop and Cash climbed out. Isaac climbed out too, but Cash indicated for him to get back in the car.
“Cash, don’t be ridiculous,” Kinga said, appearing by his side. “Get back in the car, and let’s discuss this like adults.”
He bent down, using his considerable height advantage to intimidate her, and pressed his face up close to hers. “I am getting back in the car. But you’re not.”
He waved at a passing black cab whose light was on, and as it pulled into the kerb, he opened the boot and set her suitcases on the pavement. He tucked a wad of notes into her jacket pocket. “Get a cab and cool off.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” she said, making a grab for his arm. He launched his shoulder upwards, and ignoring her sharp intake of breath, he climbed into the car, leaving Kinga standing open-mouthed by the side of the road.
Around forty minutes later, he and Isaac arrived at the hotel. Isaac sorted all the formalities that Kinga would normally take care of, and as soon as Cash got to his suite, he fell fully clothed onto the bed, too exhausted even to take his shoes off. But despite how tired he was, he couldn’t get Natalia out of his mind. Now that he was back in the same country as her, the feelings he’d kept repressed for the last five weeks came roaring back.
He closed his eyes and immediately pictured her—the thick, rich chestnut hair that he’d fantasised about spreading over his chest as he pulled her on top of him. That lush body he was desperate to feel underneath his hands. The way her eyes had changed colour to a deeper, more enticing blue after he’d kissed her. The way her lips felt beneath his: soft, warm. Fucking fantastic.
He sat up and reached for his phone. Five weeks was a long time—far too long—and now, the mere few hours he had to wait to see her suddenly felt like a lifetime he wasn’t willing to suffer. She’d be at work, but what the hell. He needed to hear her tantalising voice, a voice that insinuated all sorts of thrilling possibilities.
He dialled her work number and held his breath, heart pounding like a schoolboy. Jesus, this woman had seriously got to him. Maybe it would sort him out if he did screw her, like Kinga had suggested. Or perhaps getting his hands on that luscious body would strengthen the spell she’d put on him through her kisses alone.
“Tally McKenzie.”
Just the sound of her voice made his cock twitch. He shifted it to a more comfortable position and leaned back against the pillows. “Hey. It’s Cash.”
No response. He checked the phone to make sure they were still connected.
“Natalia? You there?”
“Yes, I’m here. Are you back?”
“Yeah. Landed a couple of hours ago.”
“How are you feeling?”
Horny. “Tired, but I’m used to that.”
“I watched the game. You played amazing.”
“I was lucky. Could easily have gone the other way.”
“No. You had it all along. I’m so proud of you.”
His chest prickled with an unfamiliar feeling, and he rubbed it with the heel of his palm. “Thanks.”
“I thought you might have called while you were over there, but I guess you were really busy.”
“Yeah, sorry, I was maxed,” he lied. Jesus, if he’d heard this voice from Oz, he’d have been on the first plane home. “So we still on for tonight?”
The phone line went silent again. “I’ll understand if you want to cancel,” she finally said.
“Why the fuck would I want to do that?”
“I don’t want you to feel under any obligation, that’s all.”
He laughed. “Sweetness, the more we get to know each other, the more you’ll realise I never do anything I don’t want to. I’ll pick you up at seven. Make sure you bring photo ID with you.”
“What do I need photo ID for?”
He cut the call without answering and grinned. That should keep her guessing.
Tally’s nerves were frayed as she waited for Cash to arrive. Against her better judgement, she had a slug of tequila. The alcohol warmed her stomach but unfortunately didn’t make a dent in her anxiety levels.
Her brain wouldn’t let up. Were the grey fitted skirt and pale-green silk blouse suitable for where he had planned? Was her hair all right? Did she have toilet paper trailing from her shoe? She glanced down. Nope. All clear. Thank God Em was still at work. She’d have added to Tally’s nervousness with her poorly timed quips.
She checked the clock for the tenth time. The bloody thing didn’t seem to have moved since the last time she looked. She began to have second thoughts. She wasn’t the sophisticated type Cash was normally seen out with, so how far would he get into the date before getting bored, making his excuses, and bringing her home? What if he didn’t turn up at all, or he did turn up and she couldn’t resist him? What type of a girl did that make her?
Jesus, I’m all over the place.
The sound of a car door slamming made her heart jump into her throat, and she peered out of the window in time to see Cash walk up her front path. She swallowed hard, her breathing shallow and strained. Panic wasn’t far away, and she paused to take a couple of deep breaths before opening the door.
“You came,” she blurted out.
Cash grinned, flashing her a perfect set of straight white teeth. “Not yet, sweetness. But a man can hope.”
Her face burned. “I-I didn’t mean…”
Cash’s arms snaked around her waist, and he planted a hard kiss on her mouth, cutting off her stuttering reply.
“You look gorgeous.” His eyes raked her face. “Nice earrings, by the way. Shall we go?”
Heat rushed to her face as she remembered his quip about the earrings on Christmas Day, and she ducked her head. She picked up her bag, slung it over her shoulder, and closed the front door behind her. Cash held the car door open and climbed in beside her.
“Did you remember your photo ID?”
“Yes,” she said, reaching into her bag. She pulled out her passport and waved it at him. “Are you going to tell me what it’s for?”
“Nope.” Cash leaned across her, his body skimming hers as he clipped her seatbelt into place. “Now you’re mine,” he whispered in her ear.
Her pulse jumped as Cash turned away to fasten his own seatbelt, and her nerves increased now they were trapped together in such close confines. As the car filtered into the traffic, Tally began to fiddle with the strap on her handbag until Cash’s hand covered hers, forcing her to stop. His thumb skimmed across her knuckles while he simultaneously squeezed her fingers.
She glanced sideways at him. “A little.”
He lifted her hand to his mouth and pressed an open-mouthed kiss to her palm. She licked her dry lips and swallowed.
“I want to do that,” he said.
Tally frowned a little. “Do what?”
“Taste your lips.”
Her stomach flipped with longing as he unfastened his seatbelt and shuffled across the back seat. He cupped her chin and tilted her head towards him. Leaning forwards, he traced the outline of her mouth with his tongue, the sensual touch causing dampness to pool between her legs. With his thumb, he coaxed her bottom lip, and as it opened, he kissed her, his tongue surging inside to tease hers.